14-Day Content Megaphone

If you have an audience of at least 500 people…

Give Me 30 Minutes a Day and I’ll Help You Create 14 Pieces of Thought Leadership Content and Get Your Next 1–3 Clients

What separates successful micro-businesses and solopreneurs from the herd?

Look at the wealthiest coaches and course creators on the planet.

See anything similar about them?

They’re thought leaders.

They’ve got a magnetic marketing message.

They’re showing up every day.

I know this works because…

I’ve closed big sales directly from my content because I simply “showed up”

Since the very beginning, my marketing philosophy has been “show up and be useful.”

But the KEY to that working is that you have to actually show up.

It isn’t quantity versus quality…

It’s: quantity leads to quality.

When I was in film school a lifetime ago, I had to take still photography as a prerequisite to cinematography, and the photography teacher taught me something I’ll never forget.

She taught us that in order to take one amazing photo, we had to take hundreds of mediocre or even bad photos.

(And we were shooting on film, which meant every shot cost money!)

At first I resisted that advice.  I was a filmmaker, after all, and in cinematography each shot is usually precisely planned to the nth degree before you ever roll film. 

But once I embraced her philosophy, the photos I brought to class for critique improved dramatically.

Not because I was suddenly a more talented photographer…

But because I suddenly had a lot more material to choose from. 

I had to practice being prolific. 

Practice being prolific with your messaging

You don’t need to write the perfect email or social media post to make your next sale.

Instead, you need to practice being prolific, trying lots of different angles and different messages, and then seeing which ones have the biggest impact.

This doesn’t mean spending hours and hours creating content every day. But it does mean committing to sharing your message regularly. It’s a practice, a skill you can learn and build over time.

But what I don’t want you to waste your time on messages that don’t work!

If you’re like a lot of my thought leader lab clients, you have big ideas. BIG. And they don’t fit nicely into a tweet or a Facebook post or even an email.  

I was onboarding a new client recently, for example, and when I asked her to tell me what she does, she had dozens of slides with frameworks and examples and Venn diagrams.  

Tons of incredible intellectual property!

But she was struggling because she didn’t even know where to start explaining all her big ideas to her people. 

She didn’t know what to say to her audience to get them to buy in to her vision.  

She knew she could help them, but she was so stuck, she couldn’t even come up with a clear offer to make to these people.  

So she stalled out.  She wasn’t posting anything or making any offers at all.

Maybe you’re like her, unable to see how to bring your big ideas down to earth so that your people will understand them. 

Or maybe you’re already posting a lot, but none of your messages are driving sales. 

It doesn’t mean that you’re doomed to failure!

It means you don’t have a SYSTEM and a HABIT of posting and collecting feedback that allows you to do more of what works and less of what doesn’t.

Because the reality is, there are a million things you could write an email about right this very second.

But some of them will naturally lead to sales — and some of them won’t — and you don’t have a system for telling the difference. 

Which is why I’m going to give you my system.

You’ll learn to turn your Big Ideas into offers and posts that get you paid. 

You’ve got to show your work — and show up for yourself.

I want to invite you to a new program I’m creating called “The 14-Day Megaphone.”

Every day for 14 days, you’re going to write an email to your list and/or post it on the social platform of your choice.

You’re going to share your Thought Leadership ideas to help connect the dots for people from what they believe and are experiencing NOW to those Big Ideas you have.

And then you’re going to make your Thought Leader Offer (because your offer needs to match your big ideas).

Don’t worry; I’m going to show you how to do everything:

Every day you’re going to get a quick video lesson and a prompt for what to write, along with an example email you can use as a template.

In the process, we’re also going to create a special offer to work with you (without discounting).

Dead simple, no tech setup.

Once you start making sales by showing up consistently, you’ll see how much money you’ve left on the table by not sharing your message.

And your results will point to exactly which messages are the most magnetic and attract your best customers to work with you. 

(The best part is, you don’t have to do this quantity of posting forever! Once you identify your best messages, you can leverage those and end up doing less posting overall.) 


  • 2 Live Weekly Calls to get your questions answered and work reviewed

  • 14 Days of Simple Lessons and Prompts to make it super easy to create your posts in about 30–60 minutes each day

  • 14 Emails and posts from me that you can use as templates to write your own 
  • BONUS: Immediate access to the “60 Ideas in 60 Minutes” workshop to ensure you have way more than enough ideas to carry you through the sprint. ($100 value)

  • BONUS: Ultimate Content Planning System to keep track of your ideas and your posts and which ones get the best results. ($30 value) 


Here’s the fun part. :D 

My motive here is for you to actually do the work.

I want you to win, record a case study for me, and ideally keep working with me for the long run because you’ve seen I can help you get results.

Which is why the investment to join the 14 Day Megaphone Program is a measly $197.

I’m betting on you to win.

You’re betting on yourself to get the results.

And we’re both betting that you can make 1–3 sales doing this work together — so that you can easily earn back your investment and then some. 

But here’s the icing on the cake: everyone who does all 14 assignments will get $200 credit toward any of my current or future training offers. 

So, if you show up and do the work? You essentially get this offer for free

Regardless, if you actually show up and do the work, you walk away with 14 days of consistent email + content under your belt.

Each day will take you only 30-60 minutes.

And by the end, you’ll have the data you need to know which messages resonate best with your audience and can be expanded into a piece of pillar content to anchor your Content to Clients funnel.

So what do you say?

Care to make a bet on yourself to begin building a skill that can write your own paycheck whenever you damn well please?

If yes, the payment link to secure your spot is here:

Place Your Bets!

We start Monday, September 16, 2024.

I’m looking for 10 advocates who are going to spread the word about how awesome, life changing and lucrative this is, which is why I’m willing to essentially do this for free. 

If that’s you, join now.

If you’ve got questions, shoot me a message here: hilacy@lacyboggs.com


How Do I Qualify for the $200 Credit?

You must do two simple things:

  • Complete each lesson in the Member Vault area.
  • Submit a screenshot of your 14 emails (or 14 posts).

That’s it!  Everyone who completes the challenge by the end of 14 days will get that credit that you can use now or in the future.   

Where Will I Be Posting This Content?

The choice is completely up to you on that front and really depends on your audience. I recommend choosing one social media channel where you have the most engaged audience plus your email list if you have one. You can share the same message in both places.

Do I Have to Write?

If you prefer to do video, you absolutely can; however I suggest you write out at least an outline before you shoot the video (so you know what to say) and I recommend that you then turn the transcript of the video into an email for your list.

What’s The Goal Behind This Program?

My goal is for you to simply start “showing your work” by sharing your thought leadership ideas with your audience. 

Because that’s the first step to knowing which messages resonate the most with your audience.  And once you know that you can create content assets that pre-sell your favorite customers on working with you.

But, of course, I also want you to get paid for your ideas!  

The best way to achieve both of these goals is to make an offer; the messages that result in the most sales are a good indicator of which messages resonate most with buyers in your audience. 

1 Module

14-Day Content Prompts

Welcome to the 14-Day Content Megaphone!

The fun officially starts September 16th, but you can get a head start right now!

  • Go to http://members.lacyboggs.com and bookmark the site for easy access.
  • Your username AND password are this email address (but you can change your password if you choose once you log in).
  • You will see that your BONUSES have already been added to your vault!  Feel free to download your Ultimate Content Planning System template and watch the "60 Ideas in 60 Minutes" workshop to get started!

On Monday, September 16th you will get an email letting you know that the first day's prompt and lesson are live. You'll access them through your Member Vault (above). Each day a new lesson will be added with a new prompt.

Our two LIVE calls will be:

  • Wednesday, September 18th at 9am Pacific / 12pm Eastern
  • and Tuesday, September 24th at 12pm Pacific / 3pm Eastern

You will be able to join the Zoom Meeting here at those times:

Please add them to your calendar and plan to come to ask any questions, get feedback on your emails/posts, and support the rest of your cohort.

To fully participate, you will need to dedicate 30–60 minutes each day of the sprint to writing and sending an email / posting to social media. 

Everyone who completes all 14 lessons and uploads a screenshot of their 14 emails or posts will receive $200 credit towards any of our current or future trainings! 

So let's get writing!

Modules for this product 1
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